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Director: Mark Baker

Stage Manager: Sara Davis

Assistant Stage Managers: Jo Frost & David Ham

Technical Support: Tim Hayward & Rob Hill

Costume Assistant: Nicola Paddick

Properties: Marianne Stevenson & Jo Frost

Publicity: David Martin


'Our Country's Good' by Timberlake Wertenbaker, performed 31st May - 3rd June 2006 at St Albans School. 


Our Country's Good was our Summer 2004 outdoor production. Departing from our usual Shakespeare, Breakaway performed Timberlake Wertenbaker's powerful play charting the efforts of a group of convicts to put on a play in Australia's first penal colony, helped and hindered by their military jailors. Both funny and moving, the production was a great success. The penultimate night of the run was the 215th anniversary of the actual play the prisoners performed, leaving us with a poignant reminder of what they achieved.




The Officers


Cpt Arthur Phillip: David Berryman

Major Robbie Ross: David Martin

Judge David Collins: Mark Baker

Cpt Watkin Tench: Mark Summers

Cpt Jemmy Campbell: Michael Tomkins

 Revd Johnson: Sue Dyson

Lt George Johnston: Helen Cotsworth

Lt Will Dawes: Nigel Austin

2nd Lt Ralph Clark: Tim Robinson 

2nd Lt William Faddy: Emma Dinoulis

Midshipman Harry Brewer: James Partridge


The Convicts


Ketch Freeman: David Berryman

Robert Sideway: Mark Summers

John Wisehammer: Nigel Austin

Mary Brenham: Helen Cotsworth

Dabby Bryant: Sue Dyson

Liz Morden: Emma Dinoulis 

Duckling Smith: Jill Davies

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