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"As You Like It" by William Shakespeare, performed 30th May - 2nd June 2007 at St Albans School.
Defying the weather forecasts, and torrential rain before the run, Breakaway's production of "As You Like It" was performed in warm sunshine during the May bank holiday week. Excellent performances from members both old and new, and a wonderful set, combined to create a production that delighted our audiences, and resulted in a great deal of enthusiastic feedback.
The Duchess - Kate Georgiades Rosalind - Emma Dinoulis
Celia - Steph Cotter Touchstone - Neil Johnston
Le Beau - Carolyn Payne A Lady of the Court - Pippa Wright
Charles - Alistair Robson Orlando - Mark Summers
Oliver - Rob Thomas Jaques de Boys - Carolyn Payne
Adam - Reg Carrott Dennis - Hung Trang
The Duke - David Martin Jaques - Alistair Robson
A Lady of the Forest - Jennifer Webster Amiens - Helen Bird
A Page - Lucy Robson Corin - Jill Davies
Silvius - Peter Martin Phebe - Jennifer Webster
Audrey - Pippa Wright William - Hung Trang
Sir Oliver Martext - David Martin Hymen - Helen Bird
Lords, Ladies, Guards and Foresters - The Company
Director - Mark Summers
Assistant Director - Steph Cotter
Stage Manager - Kate Georgiades
Props - Carolyn Payne
Publicity - David Martin
Technical Director - Tim Hayward
Sound - Rob Hill